Ever get annoyed? Ever feel like someone needs to be told where the dog died? Or handed a crowbar and a tub of Elbow Grease to help them pry their head out of their arse? Congratulations--you've come to the right place.

And when I'm not commenting on the latest thing to piss me off, I'm trying to figure out my own twisted life. Because, hey, I'm like that.

On a gentler note: for anyone dealing with depression, anxiety, and other assorted bullshit: You are NOT alone.

And if you're looking for a laugh, search on the key word "fuckery." It's just my little thing (as the bishop said to the actress).

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Beginning of a Beeeaayooooteeful Friendship

Howdy, cherished blurkers.

Earlier in the week I put up an enigmatic blog shog about not jinxing it.

Well... errrrmmmm... yeah. Much to my shock and delight, I'm in a relationship.

With a really, really nice man.
Someone I genuinely LIKE. Great company, good fun, totally attracted to, and um, yeah. I actually hid the POF profile and deleted the other two that were out there.

He's normal. (Well, my definition of normal which means not perfect, but in ways I can SO deal with. Because, Gods know, there ain't nuthin' perfect about me except that I'm perfectly me.) I've already I.D.'d three things that drive me crazy, but they're all things I can tolerate. YES! No drugs, no gambling, social drinker, even tempered. Good manners, good sense. Right amount of public affection, right amount of attention, right amount of contact. Doesn't need to be joined at the hip, but still wants to spend time together. Asks questions. Makes sure I'm OK with things. Is respectful. Funny. Sweet without being sickening. (I am old and CRANKY, folks--I don't trust someone who is too nice to me.) Intelligent. We don't agree on everything (couple of things we are completely on the opposite side of the fence on; I am GOOD with that). I already trust him, and can't wait to introduce him to my friends. Already have introduced him to Mum.

Gods, I'm happy. Scared as all fuck, kids, and trying to keep my head straight. Not making plans, not counting on anything, but...

I'm not going into much detail because, honestly, I don't want to. This is a public document and the relationship is a private thing--he didn't sign on to be blog fodder, y'know? Goes back to those "ethics" thingies I'm always on about.

So there it is... we shall see. I'm trying to take it as it comes and not overthink or worry myself into a panic (which is what I'm so very good at). But keep your fingers crossed, kids, and whisper a word in the ear of your favorite Higher Power that this goes well. I think I'm overdue a little happiness, and this man... he is, too.

With hope in my heart,
Your Empress

Today's pic came from a Google search. Damn, but I like it. Seems appropriate.

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